Burner Profile Rego Deadline!

Sep 27, 2021

Ticketing time is nearly upon us!

The ticket lottery commences on 7 October. In order to be in the lottery, you must register a Burner Profile! The deadline to register your Burner Profile is this Thursday 30 September. If you don’t register in time, you don’t go in the draw to get tickets to the Burn. It’s that simple!

Important notes:

  1. The allocation is 2 tickets per Profile, so plan accordingly.
  2. Creating a Profile does not obligate you to buy any tickets, so there is no reason not to do it!
  3. You must create a new Profile for this Burn – even if you have done one before.
  4. We will be allocating tickets to volunteers, artists and Theme Camps before 7 October – but even if you are in one of those groups, register a Profile to make sure you have a back up plan, or if you want a second ticket!

Remember you can’t win if you don’t take part!

Click here to register (you will have to log in to Quicket to complete the registration).

Image credit: Wikimedia Commons

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